
helpful links


Our volunteer-led initiative is dedicated to providing delicious Iftars for revert sisters and sisters spending Ramadan alone. We understand that for many revert sisters, the holy month of Ramadan can be a challenging and lonely experience. That's why we have come together to create a community that offers support, companionship, and nourishment during this special time of year.

We offer a safe space for sisters to come together and share in the spirit of Ramadan, offering encouragement and emotional support to those who may be struggling. Our goal is to create a warm and welcoming environment where sisters feel valued and supported as they observe this important month of fasting and reflection.


How do I join?

If you are spending ramadan alone and would like to join, you can sign up to join one of our Iftars using the following link: https://forms.gle/LK4mBSFxZZtajn1m7

Please note, due to limited capacity and high interest we are prioritising revert sisters and sisters spending ramadan alone. However you are still welcome to apply in case we have additional spaces

is it free to attend?

Yes, our Iftars are 100% free to attend!

What time does it start and where is the iftar located?

Iftars are located in East London, every Wednesday in Ramadan and doors open between 5.30-6.00pm depending on Iftar times. The exact time and location will be disclosed to confirmed attendees.

Can I bring my friends and family?

Due to the limited capacity, we are currently prioritising sisters who are reverts and/or spending Ramadan alone. Please see our helpful links page for other Iftars and Islamic circles around London who may be able to accommodate additional guests

who funds ramadan at regency? How can I donate/sponsor an iftar?

Ramadan at Regency is funded by donations and run by volunteers. If you would like to contribute or sponsor an Iftar, please find more details below:

Food donations: If you’d like to donate food items/cater one of our iftars, kindly send us a message via Instagram (@ramadanatregency or email (ramadanatregency1@gmail.com)

Other donations: If you’d like to send us a donation to help us run our iftars, please find the details here for direct transfers

We appreciate every single one of our sponsors, these Iftars would not happen without you!

I have a dietary requirement, can you provide separate for me?

We rely on food donations from various local businesses and individuals, therefore we cannot accommodate specific dietary requirements. However you are more than welcome to bring your own food so you can eat comfortably and still join us for the event.

Want to sponsor iftar for a revert or someone spending ramadan alone?

Kindly use the details below to donate

Name: Mrs T Taznin

Bank: Monzo Bank

Account number: 76650712

Sort code: 04-00-04

Subject: RAR Donation

- Food Donations -

If you’d like to donate food items/catering for one of our iftars, kindly send us a message via

Instagram: @ramadanatregency

Email: ramadanatregency1@gmail.com